City of Taylor Water Department
1469 S. State Highway 605. Taylor, AL 36301. (334) 677-5079
Important Forms:
Customer Assistance/Complaint Form
Online Bill Pay https://www.logicsolbp.com/taylor/login.aspx
You must go into the main url bar of your internet browser, not search engines. You will be first asked to enter your email address and the system will send you a TEMPORARY PASSWORD.
Use the temporary password to sign in. On the upper LEFT side of the screen it will say:
LINK TO ANOTHER ACCOUNT. Click Here and 4 Boxes will appear.
1st Box: Enter first 6 digits of your ACCOUNT NUMBER
(If your account number has .01 etc., then you must include those as well) Example: 100100.10
2nd Box: Enter TENANT number. This is the last 2 digits after your account number.
3rd Box: Enter PIN number. This is 4 or more numbers of your choice. This cannot be numbers in order or the same number.
4th Box: Enter an ALIAS. This is any name you choose. For example same name, nickname, pet's name, etc.
Next Click ON Submit. Go completely out of program & start at the beginning. Should be able to access account number to view & make payment with credit or debit card.
Note***When payments are made after due date, even though they may not appear on the blue pay screen, penalties must be paid to ensure full payment.
Meters are radio computer read in the middle of the month. All bills are mailed out the last working day of the month. If you do not receive a bill, it is your responsibility to contact the office before the 10th.
Due date is the 10th of each month. No exceptions for weekends (including Friday) and holidays. Dropbox available for after-hours payments. Payments must be in dropbox by 8:00 AM on the first working day after the due date to be considered on time. Mailed payments must be ppostmarked by the 10th of the month to be on time. Online payments must be made by 8:00 AM on the first working day after the due date to be considered on time.
A $10.00 late fee is added to unpaid accounts on the 11th.
An additional $25.00 late fee is added on the 18th if the account is not paid in full.
Unpaid accounts will be locked off on the 18th. Locked-off accounts must be paid by 4 PM for the same day turn on and will have a $25 reconnect fee assessed.
After hours fee is $35.00.